Original Item: Only One Available. This is a very nice totally inert BATF complaint Austrian Schwergranate or Schwerhandgranate, which literally translates to “heavy hand granade”. As the name implies it is quite heavy and large, measuring about 5 inches tall and 2 3/8 inches across at the widest point. It features a standard fragmentation pattern on the body, and the top fuze is still covered by the nearly impossible to find original wooden cap. The fuze assembly also unscrews from the body to show the interior explosives cavity.
There is not much information on these, but there look to have been 2 patterns made, and we believe that this is the second, with a more elongated body. It can also stand on end, unlike the first pattern with the rounded bottom.
This is the first example we have seen, and it is in great shape, with lots of the original exterior finish, and only a bit of rust on the fuze area.